A simple trick for happy wife happy kids

Email:Jun 25 2023
Your home might look like this if you’re an entrepreneur:


Your kids spilled the milk, another kid is screaming “bloody murder” about her toy being taken, your wife needs help with the chaos…


… And all you can think about is business…  


… Or that deal…


… Or your recent project.


For your own sanity’s sake and the sake of raising good kids and keeping a happy wife, I suggest doing this:


Keep your office far away from your home.  


I used to work at the kitchen table often in the morning…


And I had my office set up in the master bedroom.


But my mind was always away from my family.


So I set up my new office downstairs in the basement; spruced it up, have my Einstein portrait displayed and looks like a messy man cave now…


But this phenomenon has given me some freedom.


I used to be against driving to an office because of the “time waste”.


But I’m not so against it now if that’s the best solution to not mingle business and home life.


I know of a chiropractor whose home is connected to his practice.


When done with work for the day, he steps outside, get’s in his car, and drives around the block as if “driving home”, and parks in the same parking spot and enters the back home door.


Whatever it takes…


… Learn to “clear the calculator”.  


Go from one “role” to the next smoothly.


– Paul

Learning to clear the calc




OmniDrip, 111 N 7th St, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816

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