… Or any group, mastermind, club, etc.
And it’s advice dished out by one of the greatest pirate actors, Robert Newman, in the original Treasure Island.
Who said this in the 1950’s movie:
“Appearances matey… Appearances!”
That’s all we have.
The impressions you make.
And if you’ve problems weighing you down or struggling, don’t let them see you in pain.
Or else, that turns into pity, and you smell of misery.
And hardly anyone wants to do business with that kind of person.
There are of course “mindset” lessons.
But not the woo-woo type.
An actual psychological on:
When you lift your head, pull back your shoulders, and walk with an upright spine it sends you messages to your brain that you’re someone.
And when you feel that^ way, others believe it too.
So appearances matey, appearances! Cause that’s all you’ve got.
Now speaking of appearances…
Use the follow-up that CRMs give you and you look like a weak selfish investor sending 7-10 “follow-up” messages that say over and over: “Are you still interested in selling”…
Send messages from OmniDrip — that I created — and you appear everywhere, value-driven, and someone that can actually help sellers.