[insert what you want] begets [insert what you want]

Email:Jun 21 2023
Ideas beget ideas…


Offers begets offers…


Cash flow begets cash flow…


I have a lot of “doers” on this list, so this might jive with you…


Often while talking to people doing content, I mention that daily is more of the requirement today — daily emails, or daily posts, etc.


They’re in shock. Asking: “How can I create a new post/email every day?!?”


By doing it, is my answer.


It’s actually HARDER to do emails once in a while than daily — switch out “emails” with “looking at deals”, or “making offers”, or “creating posts/videos”, or whatever it is you desire to do as an action.


I find when you start doing something frequently it begets more of it.


Learning something new? Study it daily.


Writer’s block? Start writing jibberish and something will give.


Have a hard time delegating work (I’m doing a lot of “practice” in this recently)… delegate one task daily.


Daily action gets a lot easier as you get traction. It becomes faster and faster…


And most importantly…


… You beget more ideas.


And most of you on my list are visionaries — entrepreneurs — so you need ideas.




OmniDrip, 111 N 7th St, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816

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