Here’s something to quote:
“If you keep rewarding your cat for doing dumb things it keeps doing dumb things”.
I was facing a little problem in the house: Our cat — with his dirty nasty paws— kept jumping on top of our dinner table. I couldn’t figure out why… Then one day I found out why: As I walked into the kitchen there was my youngest son, WreckingBall Johnny (as I call him), petting and feeding the cat while on top of our table.
Those of you that have a better attention span than a hamster, might see where I’m going with this…
You might be rewarding yourself every day for doing not-so-smart things in your bizzness and life.
Dishing out pearls to (time-sucking) swine — I love to give advice and talk. But most of it is absolutely FRUITLESS; For you and others. It just makes you feel good. It gives you a dopamine boost. It’s fruitless because unless someone paid for the advice (or you have a strategic business intention for giving advice (like this newsletter or social media content)), 99% of the people will not do as you say. All it does is suck up your time.
Passing down higher-level thinking to lesser mortals — This is something I’m going to talk about in more detail in my print newsletter (all current OmniDrip clients get this), but business owners love to delegate. It feels good when you cross that “to do” task off cause you delegated… It even gives you a dopamine reward… but there are certain CRUCIAL business decisions and thinking that you cannot pass down as the business owner. This is the “north star” thinking. You can’t delegate this stuff. Examples: helping create a sales framework for the team. Hiring manager-level people.
Social media and email checking — I’m guilty of this (with my email box). But most spend hours per day on their phone. Not because there’s something important — but because every time they pick up that phone and check their social media they get a dopamine reward… Figure out how to minimize that habit with extreme execution (not saying to STOP email and social media… but to time block it. There’s no reason for you to pick up the phone every 30 minutes to see if someone liked your page or what Sally McSally said).
To great business and investing,
Paul do Campo
P.S. When you’re ready for smart follow-up that converts your old leads, hit me with a reply.