Email:Jun 18 2023
Sons can be real a-holes sometimes…
Cause it was my senior of high school.
And the school took all the kids on a trip to the mountains for a weekend getaway.
They also brought in an “eXpUrT on feelings”.
He broke up the large group of 17-year-old kids into smaller, 3-4 person groups.
And had us talk about our feelings.
But ended up turning into a blame fest.
Blaming parents.
Blaming fathers.
Blaming whoever — but mostly parents.
So I had to join in and talk about “my problems”.
Naturally, I joined in with the rest and thought, then said:
“Yeah I guess my dad hasn’t been around much… he wasn’t really a dad.”
What a terrible (no, f*ck*ed up) thing to say about a dad who’s worked hard to support the fam, and tried hard with what he knew — he was always there at home, he supported me in whatever choices I made, and he never blew up on me (except one time when I got oil-based paint all over the back concrete patio trying to make a “magic box” 😅 — sorry pai).
I’m still ashamed about my idiot self saying that back then… joining in on this almost “woke-fest” of blaming and throwing my dad under the bus — cause none of what I said to the group was true.
I’m in my 10th year of being a father…
And it’s hard.
With 4 kids, 2 years apart, and the oldest has special needs… it’s difficult not to blow up on them, or to be loving rather than critical, or to always be interested in them and what they’re doing at every moment even if you’ve got other worries in your head.
I’m no “expert” — and far (FAR) from being a perfect dad — but what I’ve noticed about kids in my 10 years of fatherhood and being a kid myself…
All they want is less talking from you, more listening, and more just hanging out, deeply interested in what they’re doing.
Do more of that ^ with your kids.
If you have no kids, and you have a father living…
… Give them a call. Cause they’ve tried with the best they knew.
Cause it’s no easy task being a father when we don’t have a “guide”.
– Paul,
The investor is deeply involved in the world of marketing, copy, and selling…
Coming at you from the Fench “Heart of an Awl” Lake in North Idaho.
Happy Father’s Day.
OmniDrip, 111 N 7th St, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816
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