One of the biographies I’ve been reading this year was Andrew Carnegie.
And you may have heard the story that inspires and may even change -- for the better -- the way you do business.
The story goes as so…
There Andrew was, in his office, surrounded by artifacts of wealth, when reporters called him out…
They accused him of being an ignoramus.
Not knowing jack about steel
So he took them up on that challenge.
“Go ahead and ask me anything” - Andrew bolstered.
So they did happily with a griming look of, “Oh we got you, you stupid wealth mogul!”.
After the question was asked, Andrew got on his phone (not too sure how true this is as phones were only common in 1920)...
Spoke the question to the mysterious person on the other end…
And gave the rabid reporters their answer.
Of course, that’s not good enough for the common world.
He didn’t “earn” that answer or his wealth for their concern.
And that’s probably the difference between the rich and the poor.
A difference between how one should “get money”.
They believe it's a mechanism of hard work, and “DIY”.
Instead of levers.
In this example below, Who’s actually the stupid one?
Someone who tries to pick up -- with his bare hands -- a 200-pound rock into the back of a pickup truck?
Or someone who builds a ramp and uses leverage?
In your business today, think about leverage.
Levers that can move “energy” more easily.
And get things done faster.
In fact… I’d argue that the role of the CEO is constantly looking for “levers”.
Levers in the form of:
Committed workers/contractors
More knowledgeable people to surround themselves with
Saying this is the easy part.
Actually doing it right is the hard part -- with all the hundreds of “stuff” you need to do as a CEO.
So stick around this newsletter, as I often may spit out the “levers” that I’m doing and trying (like AI -- still a hot button and I’m still searching for the “miracle” that AI gurus are spouting out about -- On a side note, I’ve found a use of AI that’s been (helping) growing two businesses for me)
For now…
If you’re not an OmniDrip user…
The quickest way you can utilize a lever that brings in more deals is by choosing these sequences that work for your business.
And then reply back with the ones you want, and I’ll send you a price.
You can go by the world's standards and be a DIY, know-it-all, business owner and build your own follow-up system from scratch…
… or you can be like Carnegie; Where I’m the “mysterious” person on the other end of the line after grimacing reporters try to stump you by demanding: “Build me a follow-up system, dummy”.
- Paul do Campo
P.S. If you already are a FULL OmniDrip user...
Consider leveraging mail with it.
... For more impact -- just let me know if that's something you want to add.