This is insanity

Here’s some quick inspiration for you…  


The other day I got yapping on a podcast with my friend Nick at Lead Mine.  


I said this:  


“Insanity is NOT doing something over and over again”.  


I heard this first from Ben Settle.  


And it’s a great contrarian response to the usual mantra: “Insanity is doing something that’s not working over and over again” that all the guru social media fanboys are pounding their chest about.  


Because most people's problems are not that^.  


They jump from one thing to the next too soon.  


Case in point:  


Nick, the podcast host, retold his story of how he cold-called with a group of guys.  


But he was the only one successful because, after 3 months of cold calling, they all -- except Nick -- quit.  




It’s simple advice.  


But has to be stated. 

- Paul do campo  


P.S. For non-OmniDrip Clients, if it’s time to upgrade your follow-up system, go to this Google doc, pick out some sequences, and reply back.  


P.P.S. OmniDrip clients... I've got something simple in the works on how to combat the SMS debacle going on with a2p.